3 Reason to Incorporate Social Media Into Your Business

Social media tools, such as Twitter and Facebook, are an excellent way to stay in contact with friends and family. But there’s more to social media than sharing jokes or vacation pictures. If you’re an entrepreneur, the Internet can help grow your company.

Many business owners have turned to social media for their marketing needs, and with good results. Maybe you’re not computer savvy and scared to branch into this territory. Fortunately, Internet marketing doesn’t require advanced computer skills. If you can turn on a computer and navigate the Internet, you can market online.

Here are three benefits of incorporating social media into your marketing.

1. Social media is cheap. If you run a print ad, a direct mail campaign or a television ad, be prepared to pay a hefty penny for wide distribution. But if you focus your marketing efforts online, you can reach the same amount of people — or more — and spend nothing out-of-pocket.

2. Social media gives you 24 hour exposure. Your television or radio spot may run a few times each day, but it will only benefit those who hear the radio or watch television. Practically everyone has Internet access and most people check their Facebook or Twitter accounts several times an hour. Use either tool to advertise promotions and sales, and followers will be exposed to your company day and night.

3. Social media can help you find new customers. With any Facebook or Twitter update, there’s a good chance that a percentage of your followers will share your update with others. This can significantly increase your exposure and generate new business.



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