Managing Stress in Covid Times

managing stress

Here at VBP, we are accustomed to working remotely, being on Zoom calls, communicating with our team via email, and many other situations that have recently become commonplace for most businesses. These new working conditions have caused many to feel stress! The CDC has some guidelines to help you with recognizing and managing stress in any situation – especially at work.

Know the common work-related factors that can add to stress during a pandemic:

  • Concern about the risk of being exposed to the virus at work
  • Taking care of personal and family needs while working
  • Managing a different workload
  • Lack of access to the tools and equipment needed to perform your job
  • Feelings that you are not contributing enough to work or guilt about not being on the frontline
  • Uncertainty about the future of your workplace and/or employment
  • Learning new communication tools and dealing with technical difficulties
  • Adapting to a different workspace and/or work schedule

How We Manage Stress

At VBP, we keep our lines of communication open with team members and have systems in place to keep track of duties, tasks, and everyday workloads.

One way to lessen worry is to ground yourself in the present moment through mindfulness. “Mindfulness is a great technique that can help reduce stress during challenging times,” says McGuire. You can practice mindfulness by sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing and senses. (McGuire, 2020)

Another way to manage stress is by limiting computer screen time and media exposure. “While keeping informed about current events is important, too much attention can cause problems,” explains McGuire. “Setting boundaries can prevent feeling overwhelmed by the situation. (McGuire, 2020)

Creating streamlined guidelines for the workplace, task tracking systems, and open lines of communication can help keep the workplace stress-free. Simple, everyday mindfulness of the common causes of stress and the remedies to alleviate stress can help everyone keep calm.

Need help with managing stress? Contact us today for professional virtual support.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2020, May 5). Employees: How to Cope with Job Stress and Build Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Retrieved from,stress%20can%20lead%20to%20burnout%20.

McGuire, Joseph. (2020). Stressed About COVID-19? Here’s What Can Help. Retrieved from


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